Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 492

द्रष्टुः श्रोतुर्वक्तुः कर्तुर्भोक्तुर्विभिन्न एवाहम् ।
नित्यनिरन्तरनिष्क्रियनिःसीमासङ्गपूर्णबोधात्मा ॥

draṣṭuḥ śroturvaktuḥ karturbhokturvibhinna evāham |
nityanirantaraniṣkriyaniḥsīmāsaṅgapūrṇabodhātmā ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 492)

Indeed, I am other than the seer, the hearer, the speaker, the doer, and the enjoyer of individual experience. I am eternal, unbroken, beyond activity, boundless, unattached, and Infinite, the essence of all-pervading Knowledge.


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