Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 467
सद्गनं चिद्घनं नित्यमानन्दघनमक्रियम् ।
एकमेवाद्वयं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन ॥
sadganaṃ cidghanaṃ nityamānandaghanamakriyam |
ekamevādvayaṃ brahma neha nānāsti kiṃcana ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 467)
The essence of Existence, the essence of Knowledge, the essence of Eternal Bliss, Non-dual, devoid of any activity, is only the Brahman; one without a second; in It, there is no duality whatsoever.
One should learn Vedic teachings attentively in order to understand the real knowledge and the creator himself. There is no other way to understand the Lord crystal clear. If a person tries to learn about the Lord in another way, then it's always like milk which touched by an envious serpent it becomes poisonous. Many so-called Hindus are trying to learn about the Lord by unauthorized gurus and priests. They are not the direct source. Bogus gurus or half-baked people can divert and spoil one's bhakti like the milk which becomes poison. Only Vedas can guide us straight to the Paramatma. After reading one should always think about the Supreme Lord without fail. The purpose of this life is to remember the Lord without fail. There is no second or shortcut way to understanding the Lord.
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