Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 412
स्तिमितसलिलराशिप्रख्यमाख्याविहीनम् ।
शमितगुणविकारं शाश्वतं शान्तमेकं
हृदि कलयति विद्वान् ब्रह्म पूर्णं समाधौ ॥
stimitasalilarāśiprakhyamākhyāvihīnam |
śamitaguṇavikāraṃ śāśvataṃ śāntamekaṃ
hṛdi kalayati vidvān brahma pūrṇaṃ samādhau ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 412)
The wise man realizes in his heart, through Samadhi, the Infinite Brahman, which is undecaying and immortal, the positive Entity which precludes all negations, which resembles the placid ocean and is without a name, in which there are neither merits nor demerits, and which is eternal, pacified and One.
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