Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 488

पातधूतभवतापजश्रमः ।
नन्दमात्मपदमक्षयं क्षणात् ॥

pātadhūtabhavatāpajaśramaḥ |
nandamātmapadamakṣayaṃ kṣaṇāt ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 488)

Whose gracious glance, like a cascade of moon-beams, has removed the weariness caused by the afflictions of the world, and has taken me to the state of indestructible Bliss of infinite splendor, the Self, in but a moment.

Sripad Sankaracarya is questioning in the transcendental mood, who pour unlimited mercy upon him which like a nectarine waterfall of moonbeams. The question arises who removed his material exhaustion and place him in an infinite bliss. Which took a split second for him to be in such a rasa or spiritual feelings.


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