Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 480
ब्रह्मैव जीवः सकलं जगच्च ।
अखण्डरूपस्थितिरेव मोक्षो
ब्रह्माद्वितीये श्रुतयः प्रमाणम् ॥
brahmaiva jīvaḥ sakalaṃ jagacca |
akhaṇḍarūpasthitireva mokṣo
brahmādvitīye śrutayaḥ pramāṇam ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 480)
The conclusive view of all Vedantic doctrines is this: that the individual self, as well as the entire universe, are in truth only the Brahman; that liberation means to abide in the Brahman, the indivisible entity; the statement that Brahman is non-dual has its proven authority in the scriptures.
The verse above is an interesting dogma. It's a final say which concludes the Vedas. Every soul which is in the form of plants, animals, and humans are coming directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead(Brahman). Every living entity is true because the Lord is true.
Every living entity in this world is suffering because we are separated from the original source that is the Supreme Lord(Brahman). We are trying to create an artificial happy world which is the ultimate 'martya loka' everyone is dying at every moment of this world.
But we are ignorant to deliver ourselves from the suffering. Which is liberation or moksha. All of us can be liberated unless we follow the Lord's instruction and be a good child according to what he wants. If we keep on adamant with our own artificial selfishness then we have to take birth again and again to suffer.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead(Brahman) is one, there is no other God than him. Today the world is trying to many new religions and new Gods but it's only creating disharmony because we are failing to surrender to the real source which Lord Krishna.
He may take many forms each and every millennium to teach Humans to go back to him When he has many forms, that doesn't mean it's a different God. Humans are failing to understand the real dogma and deviated at times. All our scriptures are speaking and directing the beautiful Lord Krishna as the Supreme. At so end of the day, everything emanates from him. The emanations are nondifferent from him but the source is only One.
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