Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 453

ज्ञानोदयात्पुरारब्धं कर्मज्ञानान्न नश्यति ।
अदत्वा स्वफलं लक्ष्यमुद्दिश्योत्सृष्टबाणवत् ॥

jñānodayātpurārabdhaṃ karmajñānānna naśyati |
adatvā svaphalaṃ lakṣyamuddiśyotsṛṣṭabāṇavat ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 453)

Accumulated actions performed before the dawn of Knowledge (because of which this body has come about) conjured up, do not get destroyed by the Self-Knowledge without yielding their fruits...just like an arrow shot at an object.

The karma created before the arising of knowledge does not come to an end with knowledge without producing its effect, like an arrow shot at a target after being loosed.


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