Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 423
दृष्टदुःखेष्वनुद्वेगो विद्यायाः प्रस्तुतं फलम् ।
यत्कृतं भ्रान्तिवेलायां नाना कर्म जुगुप्सितम्
पश्चान्नरो विवेकेन तत्कथं कर्तुमर्हति ॥
dṛṣṭaduḥkheṣvanudvego vidyāyāḥ prastutaṃ phalam |
yatkṛtaṃ bhrāntivelāyāṃ nānā karma jugupsitam
paścānnaro vivekena tatkathaṃ kartumarhati ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 423)
The result of Knowledge is indifference towards worldly sorrows, How can he, who performs blameworthy deeds in delusion, perform them again when he possesses the right discrimination?
Spiritual education will lead one to understand the Supreme Lord but material knowledge will lead us to enjoy but ultimately we will suffer because there is no understanding about the Lord. One who forgets the Lord simply trying to find happiness with the knowledge which he has, he may blame everyone but he will not blame himself for not understanding the purpose of life. What is the point of higher education when that education cannot give us self-realization?
Sometimes even after read the right path of life, yet we still try to enjoy the material life. gobhir vishatam tamisram punah punash charvita-charvananam. Life after life, people are simply trying to enjoy their senses. Life afterlife, the same thing over and over again. The same eating, the same sleeping, the same sexual intercourse, and the same defending, either as a man or as dog. Punah punash charvita-charvananam: again and again, chewing the chewed. Whether you become a demigod or a dog, in the material world everyone is given the facilities for these four things: eating, sleeping, having sexual intercourse, and defending.
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