Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 432

वर्तमानेऽपि देहेऽस्मिञ्छायावदनुवर्तिनि ।
अहन्ताममताभावो जीवन्मुक्तस्य लक्षणम् ॥

vartamāne'pi dehe'smiñchāyāvadanuvartini |
ahantāmamatābhāvo jīvanmuktasya lakṣaṇam ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 432)

One whose concern about the world has been stilled, who has a body consisting of parts yet is without parts, whose mind is free from anxiety, he is considered a jivan-mukta.

When a person stop worrying about family, his personal interest and worldly concerns, such person is consider in the stage of liberation.

Here is the first thing, that brahma-bhutah, Brahman realization. Then prasannatma. He is no more under the material tribulation or anxiety. We are in anxiety on account of our material conception of life. Prahlada Maharaja said sada samudvigna-dhiyam asad-grahat [SB 7.5.5]. Because we have accepted this asat body, material body, which will not exist, and we are concentrating our attention only on this body, therefore we are always anxious. Asad-grahat. Sada samudvigna-dhiyam asad-grahat. On account of asat. So this is going on all over the world. Simply anxiety. They have created United Nations, but where is the United Nation? The people go there with anxiety, that's all. And come back again with anxiety. Because their asad-grahat remains. The Indian is thinking, "I am Indian, this body." And the American is thinking, "I am American," and the Pakistani is thinking, "I am Pakistani." So asad-graha is there. So how the anxiety will go away? But they do not know this. There is no education. They want to keep him... "Feel always that you are Indian," "Feel always that you are American." "You feel always you are Hindu," "Feel always you are Muslim." Asad-graha. How there can be no anxiety? Sada samudvigna-dhiyam asad-grahat. So asato ma sad gamaya. This is Vedic injunction. Don't remain on the asat platform. Come to the sat platform. Asato ma sad gamaya. Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya. Don't remain ignorant. But unfortunately, people are so absorbed in asat things they do not know what is sat. They cannot go to the sat platform. They cannot go to the light platform. And they are struggling like that. No solution. Punah punas carvita-carvananam [SB 7.5.30]. The government may change, but the men are the same, in darkness. What improvement will there be simply by changing government? The persons who are governing, they are in the darkness. So how, by change of government, there will be a change of situation? I said in, where? That the United Nations is an assembly of dogs barking. Where did I say it? It was published in the paper. I said that if you keep them as dogs, and if you ask some dogs, "My dear dogs, please do not bark. Live peacefully," is it possible? The dog will bark. That is their business. So we are not enlightening them what is actually we are. We are keeping on this bodily conception. That is the dog's conception. And how there will be peace? There cannot be. Simply by agreement, by treaty, there can be any peace? No. Just like children. They agree, "Yes, we shall not fight." Next moment they'll fight. And again they will make an agreement. This is going on.


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