Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 445

प्राचीनवासनावेगादसौ संसरतीति चेत् ।
न सदेकत्वविज्ञानान्मन्दी भवति वासना ॥

prācīnavāsanāvegādasau saṃsaratīti cet |
na sadekatvavijñānānmandī bhavati vāsanā ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 445)

If it is asserted that still there is an attachment for sense-objects because of the momentum of past vasanas*, the reply is, "NO" For the vasanas get weakened when there is the realization of oneness with Brahman.

If someone willingly becomes attach to the bodily conception of life or be a servant senses, ultimately everything will fade away because all our senses and enjoyments can be fulfilled when we get in touch with the Supreme Lord. The attachment with the Supreme Lord Vasudeva is the highest taste that anyone could have.


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