Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 483

बुद्धिर्विनष्टा गलिता प्रवृत्तिः
ब्रह्मात्मनोरेकतयाधिगत्या ।
इदं न जानेऽप्यनिदं न जाने
किं वा कियद्वा सुखमस्त्यपारम् ॥

buddhirvinaṣṭā galitā pravṛttiḥ
brahmātmanorekatayādhigatyā |
idaṃ na jāne'pyanidaṃ na jāne
kiṃ vā kiyadvā sukhamastyapāram |
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 483)

My intellect completely vanishes and all activities have dropped off by realizing the oneness of the Self and the Brahman; I understand neither 'this' nor 'not this, nor do I know what or of what measure is this endless Bliss.

Sripad Sankaracarya explains further about eternal bliss and the Supreme Personality of Godhead after his meditation. After immersing with Supreme Lord, The great acarya do not have anything with him. He does not worry about anything, he even lost his intelligence because when we are with the Lord, we don't need anything because the Lord is everything for us. This is the process of Saranagati


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