Tirupathi Sri Venketeswara Story and Mahatyam Part 7

Laksmi devi in anger leaves for bhuloka (earth)

The yagna on the banks of river Ganges continued for forty days. As promised, Maha Vishnu present there at the closing time and received the effects of the yagna. He then returned to Vaikuntha loka.

Brighu muni kicked Vishnu on ho his chest, we knew. That was the place where Lakshml lived. By that act, that place had lost its sanctity and became impure. She was thus dishonored and put to shame, she though. Lakshmi was angry with her husband especially because he tended such a rude person who dishonored her.

She said to her husband, "You are the head of the fourteen lokas (Athala, Vithala, Suthala, Talathala, Rasathala, Mahathala, Pathala, Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Suvarloka, Tapoloka, Mahaloka, Janarloka and Satyaloka), thirthy three crores of devasand eighty four laks of creatures. And yet you loved and served the Maharishi who dared to kick you on the chest and thus put me to shame. I am unable to tolerate this."

"Why do you feel worried? Don't you know that I am the savior of my devotees? Brighu is our child, will the parents get angry and punish when their child kick them? Moreover the Maharishi came here with a purpose. He is our bhakta. He will not dishonor us. You please take my word" - Spoken Vishnu soothingly.

Lakshml said,"Dear husband, I know you will excel everybody in justifying your action. But I am unable to tolerate. Our bonds are broken from this day. I am quitting this place. Yet, I will not leave that Brahmin unpunished."

She cursed that the entire Brahmins community on earth will deprived of wealth. They would live only by selling their knowledge (earning by educating other).

Lakshmi then saluted her husband and left vaikuntha loka despite Vishnu's request to desist. She reached Kolhapur, a place on earth and commenced her meditation.

(Picture: Kolhapur Maha Lakshmi)


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