Tirupathi Sri Venketeswara Story and Mahatyam Part 25

Dharani Devi discusses with Akasa Raju

The words of Singi very much pleased Padmavathi. On the other hand it worried her mother. She went to her husband, Akasa Raju and said that she could not sustain the idea of her daughter marrying a fakir. She asked how could her daughter accustomed to a royal way of life manage to live in woods.

Akasa Raju consoled her. Her said O! dear, how could Narada's words become untrue. Do not worry. We will invite our guru and consult him.

While they were talking, Padmavathi entered the room. She with great respect to her parents politely told them that Srinivasa had already stolen her heart and she would not marry anyone other than him. She added that her decision was final and she would not change her mind even if the sun and the moon changed directions.

Finding the determination of their daughter they said that her desire would be fulfilled.


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