Tirupathi Sri Venketeswara Story and Mahatyam Part 13


Once Sanaka, Sanandana and other sages in the form of dwarfs went to Vaikunta, to have the darshan of Sri Hari, Jaya and Vijaya were the guards at the entrance. They did not allow the sages to enter. On the other hand they pushed them out. The sages felt ashamed. They could not tolerate the dishonor. So they cursed Jaya and Vijaya to turn as danavas (Rakshasas)

Jaya and Vijaya requested them to excute their ignorance and take back the curse. The sages said they could not withdraw the curse. They assured that after three births they will get back their original form and position. And in all these three births, they will oppose Sri Hari and be killed by Him. So saying, the sages returned.

Jaya and Vijaya were born as danavas and were called Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu

Hiranyaksha was a very cruel danava. He gave troubles to Rishis, Suras and Hari Bhaktas. Once he rolled the earth like a mat and hid it in Patala loka (hell).

Unable to bear the troubles created by Hiranyaksha, the Devas approached Vishnu and prayed him to help them overcome this danava. Vishnu consoled them and agreed to assist.

He took the of a white Varaha(wild boar) and diving into the sea reached Pathala loka and with the sharp horns killed Hiranyaksha and brought the earth up. His form was known as Bhuvarahamurthy.

As he has rescued the earth from the possession of the asura, rishis, devas, gandharvas requested Varahaswamy to stay in Bhuloka and help the men on earth. He therefore, made Seshachalam his abode. There were many sages in his company. He used to have discussions with them. He was protecting his devotees. Chief among his devotees was Vakula Devi. She was devotedly serving him.


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