Tirupathi Sri Venketeswara Story and Mahatyam Part 11

Lakshmi Devi sells the cow and calf to the Chola King

Brahma took the form of a Cow, while Maheswara became a calf. Lakshmi Devi too the shape of a cowherd woman. She drove the cow and calf to Chandragiri town and reached the king's palace.

She told the king that she intended to sell the cow and calf to him. She added that those animals belonged to a special bred and that ordinary people cannot rear the same. That was why, she said, she wanted to sell it to the king.

Both the king and the queen were attracted by the appearance of the cow and calf. They purchased the animals from her. Taking leave of the royal couple, Lakshmi returned to Kolhapur to continue her meditation.

The Chola queen had desire to feed her child with the milk from the new cow, though they had several cattle. She therefore called her cowherd and ordered him that he should have a special care in grazing that new cow and her milk should be brought to her separately.

The cowherd used to drive the new cow also along with other herds for grazing to Venkatachalam. But this cow never mixed with other cows. It used to get itself isolated from others and without anybody's notice go to the Valmikam(anthill) where Sri Hari was sheltering and rain milk from her breast direct into the valmikam and rejoin the herds by evening. When it returned home they found that there was no drop of milk left with her. This continued for some days.


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