Worldwide remnant of Sanskrit

By Stephen Knapp

The basis of all accomplishments of the Vedic culture is its literature. Max Mueller, in his book India – What Can It Teach Us(p.21), says that, “Historical records (of the Hindus) extend in some respects so far beyond all records and have been preserved to us in such perfect and such legible documents, that we can learn from them lessons which we can learn nowhere else and supply missing links.”

In Volume I (p.163) of Chips From A German Workshop, Max Mueller continues his thoughts on the importance and primordiality of Vedic literature: “Sanskrit no doubt has an immense advantage over all other ancient languages of the East. It is so attractive and has been so widely admired, that it almost seems at times to excite a certain amount of feminine jealousy. We are ourselves Indo-Europeans. In a certain sense we are still speaking and thinking Sanskrit; or more correctly Sanskrit is like a dear aunt to us and she takes the place of a mother who is no more.”

That the entire ancient literature of India is composed in Sankskrit provides compelling evidence that Sanskrit was the only language spoken and understood thousands of years ago. Not only that, but many other texts at the time, along with grants, orders, ordinances, religious prayers and sacraments, were also all in Sanskrit.

Scholar H.H.Wilson wrote in his Preface to his translation of the Vishnu Purana, “The affinities of the Sanskrit language prove a common origin of the now widely scattered nations amongst whose dialects they are traceable, and render it unquestionable that they must all have spread abroad from some central spot in that part of the globe first inhabited by mankind according to the inspired record.”

Let us take a brief look at additional evidence to help verify the idea that Sanskrit was the original language of the world, and that it is connected with numerous countries and cultures.

The fact of the matter is that remnants of Sanskrit can be found worldwide in practically any language. Mr.P.N.Oak provides a great comparison of this in his book, Some Blunder of Indian Historical Research (p.277). This is like a brief overview which we will elaborate further in another chapter. He explains that, “Latin and Persian are dialects of Sanskrit. Greek has borrowed a lot from Sanskrit. French and English are full of Sanskrit words, roots and speech forms. The use of a prefix 'a' for the negative as in 'amoral' is Sanskrit. The termination stry as in dentistry [and] chemistry, derives from the Sanskrit word Shastra meaning science or branch of knowledge. Words fashioned roots like dants (as in 'dental, dentistry'), mrutyu (as in mortal, mortuary, morgue, post mortem) are all Sanskrit. Vesture for apparel in the Sanskrit word vastra. Common words like 'door' (dwar), 'name' (nama) are all Sanskrit.

Numerals like two(dwi), three(troika, tripartite, tripod) is based on the Sanskrit word tri. Four (chatwar), five(panch in Sanskrit), gives us such words as Pentagon, pentecostal. 'Gon' is the Sanskrit Kon meaning angle. Six(shat in Sanskrit), seven(sapta), eight(astha), nine(vava), ten(dasha) gives words like decimel, decade. 'Christ-Mas' is really the month of Christ. In Sanskrit a month is called as mas. The Sanskrit root pada meaning foot leads to words like biped, centipede, pediatrics and tripod. 'Pedestrian' is almost a pure Sanskrit word which is explained in Sanskrit as padais charati iti padacharaha. The root bhara meaning weight gets formed in Latin into 'barus' and gives us words like barometer. The word naktam, meaning night in Sanskrit, has led to words like night, or 'naucht' in German and 'nocturnal.' The English words pedestal retains its almost original Sanskrit form pada-sthala. In French, the words 'roi, rene, deu, genou, naga' meaning king, queen, God, knees, and cobra respectively are all Sanskrit words. The river Nile is the corrupt form of the Sanskrit word neel, namely 'blue.' That is why it is called the blue Nile. In Greenland the Sanskrit word Sambandhi is used in its original Sanskrit sense meaning a relation. In Africa the word simba meaning a lion is the Sanskrit word simha. The Latvian language is based on Panini's Sanskrit grammar. Their capital riga is the very root we find in the word Rig-Veda. Pushtun the language of Afghanistan, is a dialect of Sanskrit as is Siamese, the language of Thailand. In German, the declension of nouns is based almost four-square on the Sanskrit pattern.

“The sequence of week days from Monday to Sunday is followed the word over as laid down by Sanskrit-speaking Indians. In the ancient world the new year began about March-April as in India and Persia even now. The names September, October, November, and December derive from the Sanskrit words Saptama, Asthtama, Navama and Dashama, i.e. the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th (months). The deity 'Mitras' was worshipped in the ancient world is the 'Mitra' or the Sun God of the Hindus. Scandinavia is the abode of warriors (Skand Nabhi in Sanskrit) i.e. of the Vikings.” I might also add that Skand comes from the name of the warrior son of the Vedic Lord Shiva, Skanda. And the Scandinavians were the mariner descendants of the Vedic Kshatriya warriors who worshipped Skanda.

In regard to Latin being a dialect of Sanskrit, Godfrey Higgins, in his book The Celtic Druids (p.61), makes a similar conclusion that for some people would be quite controversial. He explains, “There are many objections to the derivation of the Latin from the Greek. Latin exhibits many terms in a more rude form than Greek...Latin was derived from Sanskrit.”

In any case, not only are there many words connected with or derived from Sanskrit, there are many places around the world that also reflect their Vedic connection. For example, the places that end with the suffix sthan, which is the Sanskrit stan, reflect their Vedic connection as found in Baluchistan, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Kafiristhan, Turkisthan, Bhabulisthan, Kazaksthan, and others, such as Arvasthan which corrupted to Arabia. Countries like like Syria and Assyria show their Sanskrit connection through the Sura and Asura communities mentioned in the Vedic epics. Those countries also spoke Sanskrit until they lost their connection with Indian or Vedic culture. Cities in England show their Sanskrit connection with their corrupted form of puri turned to 'bury' as in Shrewsbury, Ainsbury, and Waterbury.

Even the name “England” comes from the Sanskrit word Angla-Sthan. Herewith we can see that the suffix “land” also shows a corrupted form of Sanskrit and that places such as Deutschland, Greenland, or Iceland, show a Sanskrit connection. For example, the name Deutschland is derived from the Sanskrit Daitya Sthan, Daityas were an ancient, Sanskrit speaking people. They were known as Daityas for being descendants of the woman Diti, as explained in the Vedic texts.

The Caspian Sea and the region of kashmir also derive theur names from Sanskrit being names after the great sage Cashyap, or Kashyapa Muni. Kashyapa was the ancestor of the Daityas who figures prominently in the Vedic epics. The Daityas were also referred to as the Danuv community. The Danube River, being a river that flowed through the land of the Daityas, or Danuvs, was later known as the Danube. Danu was one of the primary goddesses of the Celts, and was the wife of Kashyapa Muni.

Furthermore, the Red sea is so named because that is merely the translation of the Sanskrit Lohit Sagar as was mentioned in the Ramayana when Rama's emissaries were searching for Sita. Lohit means red. This is similar to the name “White Sea,” which is a mere translation of the Sanskrit Ksheer Sagar. We will see more this kind of linguistic, geographical, and archaeological evidence in the coming postings.

(Source: Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence)


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