Vedic influence in Germany

• Is corrupt of sharman applicable to Sanskrit scholars in Vedic terminology. Such names exist in India in surname form like Sharma, which is in reference to this.

• The name Deutschland is a corruption of Daityasthan, referring to the land of Daitya clan or those born of Mother Diti and Kashyap Muni.

• The city Heidelburg, "burg" signifies Fort. Sanskrit of which is Haya-dal-durg meaning Fort garrisoned by a contingent of Horses.

• The German word for thanks is Danke is corrupt Sanskrit for Dhanya.

• The place called Ramstein Sanskrit for Ram-sthan, is the site where the first American Pershing missile was located in November 1983, "Stein" is similar to Sthan meaning spot or place.

• Furthermore, Col. James Tod records on pg.63 of Volume I of Annals and Antiquities if Rajasthan "The first habit of Germans upon rising is ablution, which must have been of Eastern origin and not of the cold climate of Germany, as also the loose flowing robes, the long and braided hair tied in a knot at the top of the head, so emblematic of the Brahmins."

• Nazis used swastika forking towards left, normally Gods (Devas) used swastika forked towards the right, and the Daityas (Danavas) used swastika forked towards left. Mr. Oak says in "World Vedic Heritage" that is apparent from the left-forked Swastika rooted in German (Deutschland) tradition since hoary antiquity."


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