Saha uma skanda


Like the rising sun (bright), with four hands, necklace and bracelet, in sacred robes, hair wound as a crown, with three shining eyes, pArvati to the left, Fragrant, with kumara in the middle, to that great somaskanda, with deer, protection, boon giving postures and axe, salutations.

Purana of the deity Saha Uma skanda: with uma and skandar (bhioga murti)

Maha Vishnu wanted to have a son who would be an example of charm. For that he worshipped God. Delighted with the worship of the great Vishnu, Lord Shiva appeared to provide the boon he looked for. At that time Mahavishnu showed no respect to the goddess shakti. Irked by that shakti cursed that the charming son Vishnu would get would be burnt away by the Lord. (1) Vishnu was shocked to hear this. Now he worshipped again the Lord along with goddess shakti as well as their child Lord skandha. Pleased by the worship shakti blessed that the son of Vishnu who would get burnt away by God would again be brought back to life by the Grace of God. By this boon mahAviShNu got the charming lord of lust - manmata . The form worshipped by mahAviShNu is the saha uma skandha murthi or somaskandha murti.

maha Vishnu worshipped this mUrti for a long time having at his heart. Later Brahma requested mahavishnu for this murti and got the same. He worshipped the murti and then Indra got the same as a boon. The Chola king Mucukunda obtained it from Indra, and installed it in the seven vidanga places.


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