Vegetarians Not Faring Well in India

" The destruction of animals for food, in its details and tendencies, involves so much cruelty as to cause every reflecting individual – not destitute of the ordinary sensibilities of nature – to shudder." --William A. Alcott, Vegetable Diet, 1848

Recent Poll Indicates that Vegetarians are not Faring That Well in India. A survey conducted by CNN-IBN and The Hindu has found many Indians are not vegetarians. The food habits varied on the basis of region and religion. The survey says while just two percent of Keralites are vegetarian, less than four percent survive on greens in Andhra Pradesh and eight percent in Orissa and Tamil Nadu.

The percentage of vegetarian families are higher in northern India, with Rajasthan accounting for 63 per cent vegetarian people, Haryana 62 per cent, Punjab 48 per cent, Gujarat 45 per cent, Madhya Pradesh 35 percent, and Uttar Pradesh 33 percent. There are nine percent others who are vegetarians but they eat eggs.

Overall, only 31 percent of individuals prefer vegetarian food and 60 percent of others have shown a definite preference for non-vegetarian food. In the overall count, 21 percent of Indian families are pure vegetarians while 44 percent of families prefer having non-vegetarian food. And 32 per cent families have people who eat both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian foods (ie, have both vegetarian and non-vegetarian members).

The poll lists other habits such as the most consumed beverage, whether a household has smokers, the consumption of alcohol, and how much hunger is prevalent in the country.


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