1st test tube baby happened more than 5000 years ago

Birth of Duryodhana

Gandhari was distraught when she heard that Kunti, who had conceived after her, gave birth to Yuddhistira. Gandhari had been carrying for 2 years now and after hearing this news, she hit her abdomen with an iron bar so as to forcefully deliver the child. Instead, a lump of flesh came out. Rishi Vyasa helped her by breaking this ball of flesh into 101 pieces and storing it in separate jars. Thus were born a hundred sons and one daughter of Gandhari and Dhritarashtra. They were to be called the Kauravas.

Duryodhana's jar was the first to be opened. When he came out is when the Vidura read the signs and requested the above. Gandhari refused. Only if people were intelligent enough to listen to the wise. But, Gandhari had already put a blindfold on herself. So maybe, it was to show how limited her vision was. But then, in the future, we will see that she had good knowledge about Dharma and tried to convince Duryodhana and his brothers to follow the same. Also, this peculiar birth would indicate that the rishis of then had the required scientific knowledge of creating and developing embryos.


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