The Vedas declare, that the colors embedded in the Sun rays cure all diseases.

These Seven rays, viz. 1. Red 2. Orange 3. Yellow 4. Green 5. Blue 6. Indigo 7. Violet, are the seven horses of Surya. We also see the same colours in the Rainbow.

The system of curing diseases with the different colours of cosmic rays and its benefits are detailed.

This system of “Chromopathy” is the method of systematic application of the Seven colours present in the Sun.

In this the health advantages and its procedures are stated. By this treatment, certain specific diseases and other common ailments are cured.

This means that leucoderma, heart diseases when attacked exposure to the red rays of Sun health will be reported.

In this treatment, the application of blue colour cures fever, dysentery, diabetics, blood motions. Bronchitis, headache, urinary disorders, smallpox, filarial Elephantiasis.

In the line of colours the last one orange, the ultraviolet ray is hiddenly secure in its rays. When these rays radiate on our body the ‘D’ Vitamin in the middle of the Skin will be produced.

This ‘D’ Vitamin manufacture the substances ‘Calcium’ and phosphorous essential for our body. Due to these substances teeth get improved and help the actions of the body perfectly.

Due to chromopathy hernia will be cured. The medicine used for cure is kept in coloured bottles and allow the Sunray to pass through there and made a mixture from two to three bottles each time and used each time for three months. Improvement is found. Every disease through the red colour, the yellow the stomach diseases, the green colour heart and all skin diseases are cured. In the Sun’s ray, all the colours of red and white are secretly penetrated.

In our body, we have different colours in different organs separately. The skin has wheatish colour, hair black, eyeballs and teeth white the other organs too has different colours in the body. The essence of this cosmic colour therapy is that the deficiency of colour and the reduction of them cause ill health.

The blue colour gives good health and the red colour enthusiasm and energy.

Depending upon the types of disease pure water is filled in the different coloured bottles, and the Sun rays are being attracted through the bottles into the water and given to the diseased for a few days and thereby the colours in their body is recouped and health is restored.

The oil and water can be prepared from the cosmic rays during the convenient time from (April, May and June) Caitra to Jesta months. During this period the Sun rays are profusely available.

Medicated Oil Preparation with Sun Rays

To cure the diseases of the head, pour gingelly oil, or Badam oil, two inches below the neck of a bottle, tie with the cork or cotton and keep it in Sunshine. When cotton is plugged, every day the cotton has to be replaced. The oil will be ready in Ninety days. After the oil is prepared perfume can be added but not colours.

Medicated Water Preparation with Sun Rays

Depending upon the type of disease, in different coloured bottles, water has to be filled two inches less to the full capacity of the container, and the same coloured cork has to be fitted to the bottle. The oil or water has to be kept on a wooden plank and not on the ground and expose in full shine from 10 ‘O'clock in the morning to 5 ‘O'clock in the evening. In the meanwhile, no shadow should befall on it. If by any mistake it is allowed to stay after the setting of Sun, and the ray of moon or Stars falls on them the water will be spoiled. Then the bottles must be emptied. It has to be cleansed, freshwater is filled up and again prepared.

When different coloured bottles are kept in the same cabin or when they are exposed to sun rays simultaneously, separate coloured papers matching their own colour is daily wrapped and separately kept up without touching each other and one’s own shade of the bottle will not fall on the other.

The water prepared in one bottle can not be kept for more than three days. Immediately it has to be transferred to a white bottle. It is useful only for three days and again it has to be prepared separately. The water prepared through the Sunrays in a white bottle is very beneficial. This water can be used two times a day.


1. He possesses Seven horses (Seven rays)

They are Jaya, Ajaya, Vijaya, Jitaprana, Jitakrama, Mano Japa, Jita Krodha (Bhavisya purana)

Jaya: The first ray bestows firm conviction, mental and physical strength generosity domination of others and benevolence.

Ajaya : gives Compassion, tranquillity and intelligence, inward understanding.

Vijaya : Voracious reading, high thinking and spiritual base.

Jita prana : Deep thinking, extremely kind, merciful.

Jita krama : grants high-quality discipline, very knowledgeable and scientific evaluators.

Manojapa : Dedication and devotion, sincere and pursues the path of truth.

Jita krodha : In-depth evaluation, artistic taste in fine arts and adoration of beauty, love for display.

2. The Seven Chandas : (poetic metres)

1. The Gayatri 2. Jagati 3. Usnik 4. Tristupp 5. Anustupp 6. Pankti became the six horses. 7. the bhruhati chanda has become the seat in the middle of the Chariot. Surya Bhagavan sits on this Chariot of Chandas and travel in space.

3. Lord Surya has Seven rays :

These are 1. Susumna 2. Suradana 3. Udanvasu 4. Visvakarma 5. Udavasu 6. Visvavyaca 7. Harikesa

“Susumna”: This is equivalent to the brightness of thousand rays. This ray with this name makes Candra (Moon) the most beautiful one. The Nectar given by the full moon to all the pan is bestowed on them all happiness and pleasure.

“Surandana”: The moon has originated from this ray. Even the rays are only the rays of Surya (Sun) alone.

“Udannvasu”: From this, the Kuja Graha (planet) is originated. This ray of Surya will protect the living being from the defects of blood and give them health, brilliance and wealth.

“Visva karma”: This constructs the Budhagraha (planet). This ray will remove the mental agitations of the people and grant all auspiciousness and peace.

“Udavasu”: This ray constructs Bruhaspati planet. This planet grants pleasures and liberation to all living beings. By worshipping this planet all hurdles, obstructions, the opposition will be removed and success is achieved.

“Visva vyaca” : From this ray, Sukra and Sani have originated. Among them sukra is responsible for Virya (sperm) Sukra is in charge of human procreation and also his ray brings death. Hence by worshipping this ray one will get complete longevity.

“Harikesa”: Due to this ray, all Stars (Nakshatras) are born. These come to be known as Nakshatra because they are protecting the human bodies from the loss of strength, virya, and teja.

Surya has seven service personnel

They are 1. Namshatras 2. Months 3. Fortnights 4. Seasons 5. Years 6. Days 7. Nights.

He has Seven Indriyas (organs) they are 1. Two eyes 2. Two Nostrils 3. Two ears 4. One face. Surya Bhagavan is the person that activates the functions of these organs.

6. He has a Horse by the name Sapta. Having a Chariot with this name he is called as Sapta Sapti. This name is denoted at the end of Kalki Avatara riding this horse.

The seven colours of Surya

These seven colours, viz. 1. Red 2. Orange 3. Yellow 4. Green 5. Blue 6. Indigo 7. Violet, are the seven horses of Surya. We also see the same colours in the Rainbow.


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