Guru is Isvara in human form, but who is, however free from the triple functions of creation, preservation, and destruction, which pertain only to Iswara. If we have absolute faith in him, the guru will shower us with all for which we go to God. In fact,. God is needed only when we cannot find a guru. Guru-bhakti is even higher and more efficacious than Daiva-bhakti. Sri Vedanta Desika has declared that he does not consider God higher than the guru. According to a verse, when God is angry, the guru protects you; when the guru himself is angry, there is no protector in the world. If we surrender ourselves absolutely without any reservation to the Guru he will save us from all sorrows and show us the way to salvation. It is due to the lack of Guru-bhakti, that Isvarabhakti itself is waning in the hearts of men. - Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Mahaswamiji


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