
There are innumerable Vaikuntha planets, and on each planet, there is a predominating deity who is an expansion of Visnu. He has three expansions, then there are the quadruple expansions, and then there are servants and devotees. In this way, the Vaikuntha planets are full of activity. At the top of Vaikuntha, before one reaches Goloka, the gateway to Goloka is Ayodhya. In Ayodhya is Lord Sri Ramacandra, and Laksmana, Bharata, Satrughna, Sumantra, Dasaratha, and Kausalya, all these characters we find in Ramayana are eternal citizens of this Ayodhya. And from this planet, Lord Ramacandra expands into His Rama-avatar, through milk ocean Visnu, Ksirodakasayi Visnu. In every Treta-yuga there is Rama-avatar. One may think, "Oh that must be boring. Every time the same activity." But it is never boring. How many times have we heard these Ramayana stories, but still when someone is reading Ramayana, everyone comes. To hear is not boring, so to experience it can't be boring at all. That is the proof. Ramayana has been heard for generations and generations. In all countries. In Indonesia, they have their Ramayana. In Malaysia, they have their Ramayana. In Thailand, even in Jamaica and Africa. Just a little bit different for every culture. Indonesian Ravana is a big crocodile, and they carry him on sticks. In Bangkok, Thailand all the roads are names Rama 1, Rama 2, Rama 5 etc. So the purpose of the avatar is described in Brahma-samhita: lilayatena bhuvanani jayaty ajasram / govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. The living entities have forgotten their relation with Krsna. And they have been conquered by Maya, illusory energy. Krsna bahirmukha haya bhoga vancha kori / nikata stha maya tare japatiya dhare. The conditioned soul has been caught by maya. The Lord comes to reconquer them. That is the mission of the avatar incarnation of the Lord.


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