11-2 Ashtavakra Gita

Those who desire pleasure and those who desire liberation are both found in this world, but the person who desires neither pleasure nor liberation is rare indeed. (17.5 Ashtavakra Gita)

Iishwaraha sarvanirmaataa
na ih anya iti nishchayii
antargalit sarvaashaha
shaantaha kva api na sajjate (11-2 Ashtavakra Gita)

There is nothing other than Ishwara, the Creator of all things. Having understood/ascertained this, all desires within have dropped off, one is peaceful, not attached to anything My son, you have been bound by the trap of identification with the body ('I am the body') for very long, With the knife of knowledge that 'I am awareness' cut it (the trap) and be happy.


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