Samkara - Anna Prashana (Feeding the First Grains):

In the case of a male child, the rite should be performed in the sixth or eighth month, on an auspicious day. In the case of a girl, it should be performed in the fifth or seventh month, on an auspicious day.

FOOTNOTE: This ceremony should not be performed before the fourth month, and not later than a year, for the sake of the child’s health. Signs of teeth are the indication that the child is ready for solid foods.

END FOOTNOTE: The father, having taken his morning bath and performed Vishnu and Vaishnava arcana and SattvikaVriddhi Shraddha, should perform Kushandika to the end of Virupaksha Japa, calling the fire named “Shuci.”

om annapate janardana shad rasam amrita siktam
niveditam te sad annam no dhehi kilbishapaham
no dhehi dvipade catushpade svaha
om vyanaya svaha

“Oh Janardana, give to us, both man and beast, Your eternal food, that which has been offered to You, soaked with the nectar of the six flavors, and capable of destroying all sins. I make this sacrifice to the vyana.”

After the Anna Prashana ceremony, Father should give as much dakshina that he possibly can to all the vaishnava-brahmanas. Father should serve (prasadam) to all the devotees, guests and other living entities.

After the Anna Prashana the next samskara is Putra Murdhabhighranam


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