Vivekachudamani 345
विक्षेपशक्तिविजयो विषमो विधातुं
निःशेषमावरणशक्तिनिवृत्त्यभावे ।
दृग्दृश्ययोः स्फुटपयोजलवद्विभागे
नश्येत्तदावरणमात्मनि च स्वभावात्
निःसंशयेन भवति प्रतिबन्धशून्यो
विक्षेपणं नहिं तदा यदि चेन्मृषार्थे ॥ ३४५ ॥
vikṣepaśaktivijayo viṣamo vidhātuṃ niḥśeṣamāvaraṇaśaktinivṛttyabhāve |
dṛgdṛśyayoḥ sphuṭapayojalavadvibhāge
naśyettadāvaraṇamātmani ca svabhāvāt
niḥsaṃśayena bhavati pratibandhaśūnyo
vikṣepaṇaṃ nahiṃ tadā yadi cenmṛṣārthe ||
(Sankaracarya's Vivekachudamani 345)
It is extremely difficult to conquer the 'projecting-power‘ unless the 'veiling power‘ is perfectly rooted out. And that covering over the Self naturally vanishes when the seer and the seen are distinguished clearly like milk and water. But the victory is undoubtedly complete, and it becomes free from all obstacles when there is no resting of the mind in the false sense-objects.
Spirit and matter are two seemingly incompatible things which, when combined, make up "the world as we know it."
Basic qualities of the spirit: permanent, conscious, always satisfied, and blissful. Basic qualities of the matter: temporary, unconscious, subject to adverse conditions.
For example, I—the person, the spirit—feel that I exist. My senses collect data, and I experience those things. Life isn’t always easy or pleasurable, but I tend to avoid pain when I can and hope for as much pleasure as I can get.
My body—made of biodegradable stuff called "matter"—came into being at a certain time and isn’t going to last forever. If I don’t make it move, my body wouldn’t go anywhere. Other physical conditions (nutritional, environmental) must also be constantly met in order for the body to continue to exist at all.
How I got into this body is another long story. But at some point—I’m not sure when—I will have to exit this body and go somewhere else. Where I will go is also another story, but when I leave it, the body will cease to function.
Spirit is the essence, the active principle in every living being. Without spirit, matter can’t do anything. The matter is the stuff bodies are made of, the stuff that makes up the whole universe.
The difference between spirit and matter is similar to the difference between a driver and a car: Car minus driver equals "parked car."
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